This logomark repurposes elements of the iconic Chicago flag.

It has three consistently sized and spaced Cs set as a harmonious visual representation of the Coalition’s desire for unity and togetherness. There are other business coalitions across the country, but this one was created specifically for Chicago. We wanted the logo to reflect that.

This option emphasizes the idea of coming together. The logo treatment is a representation of multiple paths, people, and organizations joining and moving forward in the same direction.

This idea is at the heart of what the Corporate Coalition is all about. Together we are stronger and, although we all come from different places, we can move forward to reach our goal, united. This the logo treatment that was selected.

At first glance, this treatment is just an abbreviation of the word Chicago. However, the “h” character is illustrated both as a letter and as a symbol of a person raising their hand: to come forward, to answer the call, to join the coalition.

The appeal of this logomark is that it places an emphasis on the people. While the Coalition is comprised of businesses, at the heart, the goal is to come together as humans to help care for one another.

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